BGHS cellphone policy

At BGHS, we believe that:

  1. Cellphone use in the classroom is a distraction to learning.

  2. Students have the right to carry their devices.

  3. Students are capable and can be responsible for keeping them “off and away” during instructional hours.

We have formed these three beliefs into the BGHS cellphone policy. We will train students and encourage families to review and discuss at home.

  • Phones will be “off and away” during class periods: campus-wide and bell to bell. This includes common spaces, hallways, and bathrooms.

  • Students may use their phones during passing periods, lunches, and before and after school. Students may be granted permission to use phones for academic purposes at teacher discretion.*

  • If a parent/family member needs to reach their student during class time, they can call the main office (360-885-6550) and have a message delivered. Otherwise, the student can respond during passing time. In cases of emergency, students may use their phones with the permission of a staff member.

  • Every time a staff member sees a student using their phone during class time, the student will be sent to the office to turn it in for the day. The phone will be placed in a manilla envelope and secured in a cabinet, and students will be able to retrieve their phone when they leave school for the day.

  • No disciplinary action will be issued as long as the student complies with the directive to turn their phone in to the office. Students who fail to comply will be issued a referral, families will be notified, and the phone will be turned in for the duration of the following day. Students must comply to remain in “good standing,” which is required for campus privileges (attending games, plays, dances, going off campus for lunch (juniors and seniors only), etc.